Is your security geared up for Big Data revolution?

A sneak peak into how Big Data will transform security approaches and technologies by 2015

There was only so much time before Big Data conversations veered into the realms of security! Seeing as how Big Data is expected to dramatically alter almost every discipline within enterprise computing, it was only a matter of time before information security professionals began discussing the possibilities of what impact it might have on enterprise security.

In a brief, security firm RSA has outlined six guidelines which can help organizations begin planning for Big Data-driven transformation of their security toolsets and operations as part of an intelligence-driven security program. Security professionals are urged to:

Set a holistic cyber-security strategy - Organizations should align their security capabilities behind a holistic cyber security strategy and program that is customized for the organizations specific risks, threats and requirements.

Establish shared data architecture for security information - Because Big Data analytics require information to be collected from various sources in many different formats, a single architecture that allows all information to be captured, indexed, normalized, analyzed and shared is a logical goal.

Migrate from point products to unified security architecture - Organizations need to think strategically about which security products they will continue to support and use over several years, because each product will introduce its own data structure that must be integrated into a unified analytics framework for security.

Look for open and scalable Big Data security tools - Organizations should ensure that ongoing investments in security products favor technologies using agile analytics-based approaches, not static tools based on threat signatures or network boundaries. New, Big Data-ready tools should offer the architectural flexibility to change as the business, IT or threat landscape evolves.

Strengthen the SOCs data science skills - While emerging security solutions will be Big Data ready, security teams may not be. Data analytics is an area where on-staff talent is lacking. Data scientists with specialized knowledge in security are scarce, and they will remain in high demand. As a result, many organizations are likely turn to outside partners to supplement internal security analytics capabilities.

Leverage external threat intelligence - Augment internal security analytics programs with external threat intelligence services and evaluate threat data from trustworthy and relevant sources.

The result of integrating Big Data into security practices will be greatly enhanced visibility into IT environments, the ability to distinguish suspicious from normal activities to help assure trust in IT systems and vastly improved capabilities for incident response. Zoom Huarache 2K4 Kobe

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