Delivering apps in todays extremely dynamic computing environments is one thing, ensuring that they perform to everybodys satisfaction is quite another. IT managers often receive flack for application performance issues and downtime, despite no real fault of their own. And with the advent of trends like virtualization, cloud and mobility, it has become even more difficult for todays IT managers to monitor applications across the entire landscape and ensure consistent performance.
Listed below are top five trends courtesy Compuware, a provider of application performance management (APM) solutions, which are most likely to impact how applications are managed and optimized in 2013.
Complexity Will Continue to Accelerate Around Management of Business Critical Apps: IT environments continue to become more complexat the edge of the internet, in the cloud and in the data centerincreasing the need for new generation APM with unified, real-time insight across the application delivery chain, including third-party and cloud services.
Performance Analytics Will Be a Requirement for a Complete APM Strategy: Organizations now collect unprecedented volumes of data. The key to making sense of this will be systems that automate analytics and deliver actionable insight and answers, not just more data.
The Mobile Surge Will Drive the Industrialization of Mobile Applications: Users now access applications from an unprecedented number of mobile devices. Mobile applications are fast becoming the primary engagement model and mobile end users expect the same performance as from desktops.
APM Will Become a Strategic Component of Big Data: Big data is trending from experimental projects to becoming an enterprise-wide analytics platform. Expanding data volume, variety, velocity, and complexity necessitates a new approach to enterprise analytics. Integrating new generation APM into big data environments will become a best practice for organizations to eliminate risks and costs associated with poor performance, availability, and scalability.
A Lifecycle Approach to APM Will Drive Adoption of DevOps and Agile Operations: Leading organizations are already using new generation APM to support unified management of the application lifecycledevelopment, testing, and production. With DevOps and Agile gaining ground, more organizations will take a lifecycle approach to APM.
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