
Business transformation through IT will remain a top priority: Given that the businessenvironment is expected to remain volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous businesses willbe under pressure to reinvent the way they work, the compute and the core business processes.The top most priority for IT will be to help businesses transform work and compute. IT serviceproviders and practitioners will be expected to drive business transformation initiatives which helporganizations optimize cost and increase productivity. IT will consider business transformationinitiatives like:
Workshifting: IT will drive programs like work from home or move work to a moreoptimized location and cut real estate cost and delight employees.
Executive Mobility: IT will enable employees to work with people, apps and data from anydevice and any location thus increasing the productivity of employees.
ITs role will continue to evolve: Today, there is a fundamental structural shift happening in theway we work. Compared to the old PC era wherein companies locked down computers allowingemployees to only use monolithic products through a wired network in an office environment,todays workers are driving change because of the empowerment theyre getting from powerfulconsumer devices and self-service cloud applications. So in effect, the set of assumption for IThas now been turned on its head and IT must get into service delivery. The role of IT has nowtransformed to respond to and for the way people need to consume it the services, apps, dataand information. In order to solve this problem, the only thing that will work is a holistic solutionwith many piece parts working together well, seamlessly to solve the problem. You cant justsolve a single-sign-on problem or a mobile device problem as an island. These narrowly definedproblems are now being stacked on top of each other and are much more interrelated and needto be solved inter-relatedly.
The other way in which the role of an IT organization has changed is that they need to thinkof themselves as "internal service providers" - and having to "compete" against commercially-available apps/products. The "IT-as-a-Service" trend extends to service-providers, who areable to provide Windows and Desktops more efficiently than the IT organization itself and ITshops are compelled to source desktops from outside their walls. IT's security/control/compliancemodels shift from the "locked-down" device, to the virtually-issued and controlled device.
Perceptions around consumerization of IT and mobility will change: The levels of complexitywill get even deeper with a plethora of heterogeneous form factors, platforms and devices cominginto the workplace. IT will not be prepared to support and/or secure these devices with onesolution alone. The core challenge here is that about delivering and securing the app and thedata, not the device. With this difficulty, it will become impossible for IT to find one solution or setf solutions to secure these devices. To add to this, the heterogeneity is not just about the device,it will extend to the worker, the app, the location as well. What was once the standard office-based worker has morphed into office-based, temporary, remote, flex-time and mobile workers.What used to be primarily Windows apps has now become Windows, mobile, web and SaaSapps and workers need secure access to all their apps regardless of where they are located.And location becomes heterogeneous. Apps may be delivered from the datacenter, from the web,or native on a mobile device and they will be delivered to many more locations than before.
Organizations will realize theres more to mobility than just apps or devices: The purviewand definition of mobility will undergo a change as organizations will now need to consider howthey will deliver all these apps to any user at any time regardless of the device. Mobility will not bejust about user mobility but app mobility and moving apps around from datacenter to datacenterto cloud. An application may be delivered from two different locations to a user that could beanywhere. In the context of these newer realities, mobility wont really be about the device thatenables it but being able to do what we want, where we want and when we want.
BYOD will become mainstream: The move by IT to allow BYOD by employees hits mainstream;the corporate-issued laptop begins to become a bygone piece of equipment. IT realizes that it'sable to control devices remotely through virtualization while simultaneously allowing individualsto use the devices that make them happiest and most productive. This is corroborated by theCitrix Bring-Your-Own-Devices (BYOD) Index, which surveyed 700 IT decision-makers andorganizations around the globe. It was found that in India, a little over 40 percent companiesalready have a BYOD policy already in place. Apart from this, 95 percent of the polledrespondents expect a BYOD policy to be institutionalized in their respective companies by 2013.
With BYOD becoming mainstream, draconian mobile device management measures will ceaseto be effective and the contours of MDM will be redefined. Companies will not want a blanket killpill but will need to adapt to the changing devices that are coming into the enterprise. In the formof a powerful feature of app delivery, a feature of management infrastructure; a feature of dataprotection solutions whether in the OS, app delivery or platform, mobile device management willbecome an enhancement to a much broader enterprise mobility strategy.
Application architectures will shift in 2013: Existing apps must change to accommodate the Cloud. Existing enterprise apps have always been about the local interface but with anywhere,anytime access, enterprise apps will quickly need to be rebuilt to have cloud context and a cloudinterface; not just web-enabled but deep cloud integration. Apps without cloud integrations won'tsurvive. The other facet to this is that enterprise apps are no longer the only standard. Microapps and alternative apps (like Gmail, Google docs) are rising in the enterprises, replacing moretraditional enterprise apps. Windows apps for viewers, notes apps are transforming into microapps and cloud based services. Web-ifying and mobilizing of apps is the future. So apps aresynced and can be used on any device. The enterprise level conundrum however would begranting access to any of these apps, regardless of how they were originally built and for whatintended use.
Sanjay Deshmukh
Area Vice President
India subcontinent, Citrix
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