Karma Industries Ltd., a diversified company with interests ranging from metal fabrication to
trading, has gone live with Infor LN.
With diversified operations across multiple locations, the firm needed financial consolidation at
an apex level, integrated workflow for business control and to enable integration with add-on
products such as commodities & equities to support the growth of business through its subsidiary
and associated firms.
Karma Industries deployed the ERP system from Infor and integrated the human resource
management, purchasing and inventory systems for online transaction processing from all
locations, to provide faster availability of information.
Prior to deploying Infor LN, Karma Industries used Tally software. The company moved to the
Infor LN application because of faster estimated time of implementation and Infors expertise
in specialized industry applications and support to provide a well-suited application for Karma
Industries complex business scenario.
"Our vision served as the framework towards every aspect of our business by describing what is
required to achieve the goal of continued stability and growth. With the Infor application we are
achieving the requisites on a whole by analyzing the business, says Rajesh Mehta, Managing
Director, Karma Industries Ltd.
Merino Services, a business consulting and IT services organization and an Infor partner
implemented the solution.
Karma Industries Ltd., a diversified company with interests ranging from metal fabrication totrading, has gone live with Infor LN.With diversified operations across multiple locations, the firm needed financial consolidation atan apex level, integrated workflow for business control and to enable integration with add-onproducts such as commodities & equities to support the growth of business through its subsidiaryand associated firms.
Karma Industries deployed the ERP system from Infor and integrated the human resourcemanagement, purchasing and inventory systems for online transaction processing from alllocations, to provide faster availability of information.Prior to deploying Infor LN, Karma Industries used Tally software. The company moved to theInfor LN application because of faster estimated time of implementation and Infors expertisein specialized industry applications and support to provide a well-suited application for KarmaIndustries complex business scenario."Our vision served as the framework towards every aspect of our business by describing what isrequired to achieve the goal of continued stability and growth. With the Infor application we areachieving the requisites on a whole by analyzing the business. says Rajesh Mehta, ManagingDirector, Karma Industries Ltd.Merino Services, a business consulting and IT services organization and an Infor partnerimplemented the solution.
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