Know your work pattern: Consider what makes you more productive: being proactive well in advance or sweating things out under a tight deadline.
Keep a comprehensive to-do list: Whether you seek to stay ahead of the game or you spring into action at the last minute, keeping track of all you need to accomplish is particularly
Set up a comfortable workspace: Discipline away from the office often derives from a setting that singularly represents work. No matter where you are, earmark a particular spot for work.
Look at time in a different manner: Time or, rather, the lack of a regular schedule of events, can lead to downtime and, conceivably, a lapse in productivity.
Keep the paper moving: Paper management is critical. File those documents with which youre finished and recycle any and all papers you dont need any more.
Keep in touch with the office, but thoughtfully: Communicating with the folks downtown tailor your communication.
Know the dangers of procrastination: Putting off necessary tasks is particularly destructive when you are away from the office.
Source: Stepcase Lifehack
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