The need for an Information Agenda
As the CIO of a flourishing business, you are happy to report that your latest information projects are going well. The new call center is up and running, the new data warehouse is on-line and the new customer loyalty systems have been deployed successfully. Things seem to be going well until the CEO asks, Who are our most profitable customers and which channels do they prefer? Although the new systems hold a great deal of data, they cannot immediately produce the cross-enterprise information requested. The answers the CEO needs will take time and effort to extract and may even delay other projects. To top things off, the CFO asks, How are we going to make cuts across the board to respond to tough economic times? You have just invested in new information-intensive applications and systems and are building up your resources to support them.
You are dismayed to realize that your information projects have not created the ability to rapidly and efficiently respond to these and other questions. How will you find the answers to address new and emerging business opportunities? How do you become more efficient and reduce costs? How do you innovate, optimize and perform? You realize that you need a more unified approach to leverage the information you already haveyou need to create an Information Agenda for your organization.
To set your information agenda, download the report.
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