After last year’s extraordinary times, this year comes to us with a lot of hope. For the last six months, we have been talking about the New Normal. Of course, there is a lot of debate around what this New Normal will be – for a company, an industry and the world of business in general.
There are some broad agreements. At least, the discourse has found some common grounds. We will not get into those here. All of you are only too familiar with them.
You also probably know that the elusive New Normal is already upon us—and unveiling a little more of it every day. Rather than trying to get a perfect definition, you would rather try to adjust.
A perfect use case for agile approach in planning!
All we have done in the ITNEXT January 2021 Cover Story is try figuring out some of these adjustments, as we have observed by talking to you.
They are not based on any research; so, we do not even claim that these are the most common adjustments. But since this is done basis qualitative inputs from more than 60 CIOs in our various freewheeling interactions, I can surely vouch for their relevance, not comprehensiveness.
In fact, I will be happy if you tell us more. Not just more such adjustments, but even more such situations that require IT to readjust, will be immensely helpful.
There are seven such examples given. The eighth one is a sort of wild card – the acknowledgement that beyond the horizontal trends, businesses have seen strategic shifts in customer behavior, shifts in market dynamics and the ability to offer newer products and services. It will be very difficult for us to try gauging those changes.
I would also like to clarify why I call it an Odyssey, and not just a journey. The past was both painful and vexatious. The future promises something bright. But there are still uncertainties on the way. As Merriam-Websters defines Odyssey, it is “a long wandering or voyage usually marked by many changes of fortune.”
But as the same dictionary says, it could also be “an intellectual or spiritual wandering or quest” for all of you.
Happy New Year!
Hope we will meet in 2021, physically too.
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