IT will fight back against ‘the big hack’ in 2016, as per Spiceworks security survey. As per the survey, IT leaders believe that the responsibility for organization’s security is in their hands and they are muscling up against the cyber attacks. IT professionals plan to implement the newer security solutions, such as intrusion detection, penetration testing and advanced threat protections.
Main concerns of IT professionals, as per the survey for the year 2016 are Malware and Ransomware. Password breaches and Ransomware will see a sharp increase from 2015. DDoS, breach by internal staff, data theft and infected USB were amongst the chief breaches of 2015 but could not threaten the IT professionals in 2016.
Limited end user knowledge or awareness is considered as a top IT security challenge, as per the report. As per the IT professionals, end users’ lack of awareness about cyber security is also considered to be one of the primary causes by the IT professionals; as they cited downloading of or from unsecured sources to be one of the chief sources of malware entry. IT professionals cite that individual employees (43%) and high-level executives (41%) also have a role to play in a corporation’s security.
Major actions taken by IT professionals to keep up their fight against the big hack are updating hardware/software, learning about cyber threats, limiting BYOD, awareness and enforcement of policies for end users.
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