Having the expertise to implement relevant security standards and delivering effective and rapid response to security incidents are top two expectations from managed security service providers (MSSPs), reveals CSO Forum Managed Security Survey 2016, a research by CSOForum, conducted among 46 chief information security officers (CISOs) and CIOs/senior IT managers, in charge of security in large Indian business organizations.
On the other hand, top concerns while outsourcing security services are the ability of the third party provider to maintain confidentiality and compliance/accountability issues.
The survey was conducted in the sidelines of CSOForum’s 8th Annual Summit in November 2015, among the participating delegates. It was aimed at helping CISOs benchmark their plans and strategies against the broader community. For service providers, it would help them understand the major concerns of their customers and the expectations from them.
For the purpose of research, the respondents were asked to rate both the expectations and concerbs on a three point scale 2-0 (very important/somewhat important/not important). The final score for each expectation/concern was the average value of all individual response scores. So, 2 stands for very important. The closer the value is to 2.0, the more important is the expectation/concern.
The survey reveals interesting insights about what kind of security functions are being outsourced and what are likely to be outsourced in the near future.
Vulnerability testing, email filtering and firewall management are the top security functions that are being currently outsourced while APT detection and remediation, threat intelligence and log management, archival and maintenance are the security functions most likely to be outsourced in the “next six months”, revealed the survey. APT detection and remediation is the least outsourced security functions among the 16 functions on which the opinion was sought. Identity and access management remains the other security function that remains least outsourced. Interestingly, it is not on the list of top areas to be outsourced in the near future as well.
The security functions about which the research sought opinion on are (in alphabetical order) APT detection and remediation; Compliance monitoring; DDoS protection; Email filtering; Endpoint & server antivirus; Endpoint patch management; Firewall management; Host intrusion detection and protection; Identity & access management; Log management, archival & and maintenance; Network intrusion detection & protection; Security incident and event management (SIEM); Server patch management; Threat intelligence; Vulnerability testing; and Web application monitoring & protection.
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