State wise analysis of the total population shows huge variations across the states

Uttar Pradesh is the most populous state, with a population of 19,98,12,341. Just this one state accounts for 17 % of the total population of India! UP is followed by Maharashtra, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal and Tamil Nadu in that order.
These six most populous states together account for more than half (54%) of the population.
On the other end of the spectrum is the island of Lakshadweep with a population of just 64,473.
The 20 least populated states and union territories together account for just 10% of the total population. In other words, one state - UP has almost double (1.7 times) the population of 20 least populated states and union territories put together!
The other 10 states in between these two extremes account for 36 % of the total population; a bit more than twice the population of UP.
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