India features among the top ten countries that host hyperscale datacenters even as the United States continues as the dominant leader accounting for 45% of such centers—more than the combined share of the next nine countries. New data from Synergy Research Group (SRG) show that the number of such datacenters hit the 300 mark in December, after a flurry of year-end datacenter openings by Amazon, Google and Alibaba.
China and Japan with 8% and 7% shares respectively are distant second and third while the UK, Australia, Canada, Singapore, Germany and India, each of which accounts for 3-5% of the total. The research is based on an analysis of the datacenter footprint of 24 of the world’s major cloud and internet service firms, including the largest operators in SaaS, IaaS, PaaS, search, social networking and e-commerce, said SRG.
Hyperscale datacenters refer to the datacenters with an architecture that can be scaled seamlessly with increase in demand.
“On an average, each of the 24 firms had 13 datacenter sites. The companies with the broadest datacenter footprint are the leading cloud providers – AWS, Microsoft and IBM. Each has 40 or more datacenter locations with at least two in each of the four regions – North America, APAC, EMEA and Latin America. Google and Oracle also have a notably broad datacenter presence. The remaining firms tend to have their datacenters focused primarily in either the US (Apple, Twitter, Salesforce, Facebook, eBay, LinkedIn, Yahoo) or China (Tencent, Baidu). Previously, Alibaba also focused mainly in China but it has now opened datacenters in the US, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan and the UAE,” the research firm said in a release.
“Hyperscale growth goes on unabated and we are forecasting that hyperscale operators will pass the 400 datacenter mark by the end of 2018,” said John Dinsdale, a Chief Analyst and Research Director with the research firm.
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