Mobility will Top IT Managers Agenda in 2015

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  •  In News
  •  Dec 30, 2014
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One of the challenges for them this year would be ensuring IT security and governance.

The dawn of a new year is usually a source of joy and exhilaration. It is the time to look forward to new opportunities, overcome fresh challenges, and achieve more successes. The ongoing digital revolution in the economy will deliver on all three—and make new demands on the skills IT managers.

At the top of the agenda for most IT managers will be mobility. How do you enable the entire organization to use mobile technologies to improving efficiencies, increase agility and deliver new services? What systems and processes will need to change? Making legacy platforms mobile enabled will be a huge challenge for many organizations.

An attendant problem of mobility is BYOD, and the need to manage the proliferation of platforms in the organization. The pressure to accomplish mobile enablement quickly will be relentless—and will come from both the top and bottom. Are you prepared?

 iridhar roup ditor 99 edia R Giridhar, Group Editor, 9.9 Media

Another equally important challenge this year will be IT security and governance. Year 2014 has highlighted how hard it is to protect the corporate IT infrastructure from malefactors. You can expect that the threat vectors, techniques and tools will become even more sophisticated—while the enterprise boundaries will vanish.  IT managers will need to work hard to ensure that access to data and information remains secure— without handicapping the business, or incurring regulatory wrath.

 The third trend that will influence the use of technology solutions within the organization will be services delivered from the cloud (IT-as-a–Service). Increasingly, business units will take the initiative to buy services—and will expect the IT department to not only support them, but also integrate with existing in-house solutions.  IT managers will need to consider new architectural frameworks that enable business innovation, even while ensuring adequate corporate governance. Is this on your to-do list?

Finally, as systems and devices become even more interconnected, organizations will be deluged with data—in structured and unstructured formats. IT managers will need to help the business distil insights from this data by employing smart and active analytics. This will require you to learn new skills, and acquire more business knowledge. Have you thought about it?

Write in and let us know how you plan to handle these challenges, and cope with change.

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