How these nine technologies and trends performed in Google search last year and what is it that users keyworded more.

Many predictions cite Cloud Computing, Mobility, Machine to Machine (M2M), Big Data, Wearables, 3D Printers, Internet of Things (IoT) amongst the top technologies for 2015. Take a look at the number of searches we have conducted on them last year.

The insights from Google Trends clearly show how some technologies are moving up the ladder in terms of how much they are being searched and discussed online.

Searches conducted on some of the hot technologies and trends in 2014 highlight M2M as one of the top buzz makers. Interests on Big Data is growing while Business Intelligence still maintains a very stable search presence.

Amongst the top technologies and trends --including mobility, cloud, M2M, and Big data, Machine to machine technology witnessed the highest number of searches in 2014.

Even in India, M2M manages to stay at the top which is followed by Cloud Computing and Big Data. Mobility, which is third on the list in terms of number of searches made globally last year, seems to have seen least number of searches here.

M2M, being the enabler of Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart City, users searched more for Machine to machine (M2M) than IoT or even smart city.

This depicts how online search on big data is ramping up. In fact there are many companies already deriving benefits from their big data initiatives. BI, however, looks stable even today.

CMO's role is more important today than ever. There has been a lot of talk about how IT decision-making will shift from the CIO towards the CMO.

Wearables and strap-on devices are very popular these days with many wearable gadgets already available in the market. Smart watches and the Google Glass have brought up most buzz in the last few years.

In the last five years, 3D Printer (or additive manufacturing, AM) has seen a steep growth in online search.
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