These 50 technology trends will help you make informed business decisions as you move ahead to year 2015

Analytics will take center stage as the volume of data generated by embedded systems increase.

SMBs will capitalize on Big Data for business decisions while IoT will go mainstream.

Data is the new product; the CMO of 2015 must take charge of customer-centric innovation.

2015 will also be about the humanizing of computing. 2015 will also be the year BYOD gains further momentum.

New startups will mesh digital and physical; Chief Digital Officer will become mainstream.

Spending on cloud-based Big Data & analytics solutions will grow three times faster than for on-premise solutions.

There will be more than 40 vendors with commercially available managed services offerings.

IoT will continue to reach into new parts of our lives; we'll see SDN applied in more areas as the market and technology mature.

Data will become the new gold; Flash arrays will take baby steps.

The CIO as Cross-enterprise Diplomat, must be able to work closely with business leaders.

To sum up: IoT, analytics, cloud, and the evolution of the CMO's role are the trends most of the predictions highlighted.

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