The security outlook for 2015 includes predictions from research and advisory firms and security vendors.

The predictions include exploitation of smart devices, such as smart cameras, appliances and TV’s; mobile threats, data leaks, attacks on IoT, email threats, APTs, attack on networked devices, DDoS attacks, and more.

Healthcare sector will see an increase in data stealing attacks.

Targeted attacks will become as prevalent as cybercrime

The post of digital risk officer will emerge in 2015.

APT groups will splinter into smaller units

Attacks on IoT will focus on home automation

Data sovereignty laws will become more complex and restrictive.

There will be an increase in payment breaches.

Financial services institutions are building cyber infusion centers to integrate different teams.

Digitisation of everything will lead to security holes everywhere.

More regulations will surface for financial markets.

DNS will take a central role in many attacks.

Cybersecurity is now a persistent security risk.

Insiders fuel corporate activism.

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